Voice from the Void

A whisper emanates from the dark


Thanks to all of our contributors for their creativity and talent

Franco Amati

Flash: Saint Jude Gave Me Purple Carrots

Franco Amati is a speculative fiction writer from New York. You can find more of his work at francoamatiwrites.com

Twitter: @FrancoAmati3

Steve Anc

Poetry: The Voice

Steve Anc is a Nigerian poet. His works start gaining recognition in the early 2020s before his first publication on Amazon.  He is a poet with searching knowledge and deep meditation on universal themes, he is quite a  modern poet in his adherence to language and his use of metaphors is soul-searching.
In the year 2021, a few of his poems were published in an open-door poetry magazine, in New York City.
His poem “If Money Comes” was selected as the poetry of the week in PoetrySoup in late November 2021. 

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/ancspoem
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/author/steveanc

Brian Barnett

Fiction: The Kaogri Plane

Brian Barnett is the author of the middle grade novellas Graveyard Scavenger Hunt and Chaos at the Carnival. He has over three hundred publishing credits in dozens of magazines and anthologies such as the Lovecraft eZineSpaceports & SpidersilkBlood Bound Books, and Scifaikuest

Daphne Fama

Fiction: The Port-Wine Stain

Daphne Fama was raised on stories of monsters that live beneath the canopies of Philippine jungles and the concrete reality of the USA. Both continue to fascinate her, and she adores marrying the mysterious with the utterly mundane. When she’s not writing, she’s an attorney and spends her free time hiking around South Korea with her partner and dog. She has a few short stories coming out in 2022, and is excited to announce them in the future.

Send her strange and cryptic messages on twitter here: @DaphneFama

Howie Good

Poetry: Apocalyptically Yours, Change in the Weather, Elementary Blues

Howie Good is the author most recently of Failed Haiku, a poetry collection that is co-winner of the 2021 Grey Book Press Chapbook Contest and scheduled for publication in summer 2022. His previous poetry collections include Famous Long Ago (Laughing Ronin Press) and Gunmetal Sky (Thirty West Publishing). 

B. Craig Grafton

Flash: Those Without Souls

B. Craig Grafton’s latest books are Twenty First Century American Fairy Tales, Willard Wigleaf: West Texas Attorney, and Jill Driver Trail Boss. They are available on Amazon. 

Amazon: B. Grafton

Zeke Jarvis

Flash: Cul-de-sac

Zeke Jarvis is a Professor of English at Eureka College. His work has appeared in Moon City Review, Posit, and KNOCK, among other places. His books include, So Anyway…, In A Family Way, The Three of Them, and Antisocial Norms. His website is zekedotjarvis.wordpress.com

Andrew Kolarik

Poetry: Pylons

Hailing from Croydon, Andrew Kolarik spent ten years writing post-punk lyrics for live performance in London and Cardiff. He has written poetry, short fiction and film criticism that has appeared in publications including Utopia Science Fiction Magazine, Down in the Dirt, Carillon, Black Poppy Review, Pulp Metal Magazine, Supernatural Tales, Eunoia Review, Horla and Yellow Mama, and is forthcoming in and Between These Shores Literary and Arts Annual. Outside of his writing, Andrew is a musician and student of Vietnamese Tai Chi. He lives in Cambridge.

Read Andrew Kolarik’s work in: Black Poppy Review, Eunoia Review, and Scars Publication.

Frank Kowal

Fiction: Our Long Nightmare from Outer Space Might Finally Be Over

Frank Kowal received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in education and English from the Brooklyn Center of Long Island University. Now, after 47 years of teaching in NYC’s public schools and colleges, he has started what he hopes is a new career in writing. He has had an essay published in Adelaide Literary Magazine, and a short story published in Academy of the Heart and Mind, Ariel Chart, Down in the Dirt, Literary Yard, Scarlet Leaf Review, and The 34thParallel.

Bruce H. Markuson

Poetry: The Little Demon I Brought Back From Hell

Bruce Markuson lives with his wife and two children in Milwaukee WI. He has a novel and over a hundred short stories published. Bruce is also working on a number of series. He enjoys writing and often finds himself with writer’s obsession. He says the best way to write is to have an ending then write to that ending.

Michelle Markuson

Image: The Little Demon I Brought Back From Hell

Michelle is majoring in Graphic Design. She has illustrated the “Chocolate Demon,” as well as the cover of the novel Wolf Spy, and has also done multiple illustrations for the novella Leader of the Resistance.

LaVern Spencer McCarthy

Poetry: Great Grandpa, Séance, Who’s Next?

LaVern Spencer McCarthy has written and published nine books, five of poetry and four of fiction.

Her work has appeared in Writers and Readers Magazine, Meadowlark Reader, Agape Review, Fenechty Publishing Anthologies Of Short Stories, From The Shadows, An Anthology Of Short Stories, Visions International, and others. She is a life member of The Poetry Society Of Texas and National Federation of State Poetry Societies, Inc. 

She resides in Blair, Oklahoma where she is currently writing her fifth book of short stories.

Todd Mercer

Flash: The Sign Read: Apostrophe’s’

Todd Mercer’s short collection, Ingenue, was a winner of the Celery City contest. His digital chapbook, Life-wish Maintenance is available free at Right Hand Pointing. Recent work appears in Fictive Dream, Flash Frontier, and The Lake.

Karuna Mistry

Poetry: Vulcan Yoga

Karuna Mistry is a British writer. Following the death of a loved one, he took refuge in creative writing as an outlet. As well as thoughtful poetry, drawing and blogging, his creativity has included magazine editorship, photography and design. His occupation by day is higher education marketing.

Website: karunacreations.wordpress.com/

Terri Mullholland

Flash: Nightmares with Eyes Open Wide

Terri Mullholland is a writer and researcher living in London, UK. She has a PhD from the University of Oxford, where she has taught English Literature and Critical Theory. Her flash fiction has appeared in Litro, The Sirens Call, Flash Fiction Magazine, Every Day Fiction, Toasted Cheese, Full House, Severine, Tether’s End, and The Liminal Review. In 2021 she was shortlisted for the Bridport Prize for Flash Fiction.

Website: www.terrimullholland.com/
Instagram: @terri_mullholland
Twitter: @Lesley_Cat

Irina Novikova

Images: Sirin

Irina Novikova is an artist, graphic artist, and illustrator. She graduated from the State Academy of Slavic Cultures with a degree in art, and also has a bachelor’s degree in design. The first personal exhibition “My Soul is Like a Wild Hawk” (2002) was held in the museum of Maxim Bagdanovich. In her works, she raises themes of ecology, in 2005 she devoted a series of works to the Chernobyl disaster, draws on anti-war topics. The first big series she drew was The Red Book, dedicated to rare and endangered species of animals and birds. Irina writes fairy tales and poems, illustrates and writes short stories. She draws various fantastic creatures: unicorns, animals with human faces, she especially likes the image of a man – a bird – Siren. In 2020, she took part in Poznań Art Week.

Instagram: irina369tall, irina1187novikova

P. Michael Nugent

Fiction: Owned

P. Michael Nugent has worked odd jobs as lawyer, lobbyist, litigator, business executive, and author.  He is a member of Lighthouse Writers Workshop in Denver, Colorado and lives on the Jersey shore. He has written The Committee and the Jersey Shore Noir series including The Edge of the SandMoney Like Sand, and the forthcoming A Camelot of Sand. All are available at amazon.com/author/pmnugent.

J.R. Packard

Image: Hare’s House

Fiction: The Margaret Lincoln Tragedy

Joshua (J.R.) Packard is an author and aspiring columnist and journalist. He is an advocate of mental health awareness (especially those with bipolar disorder), an author, editor, ghostwriter, and a full-time student of Central Washington University. He has thus far published two novels (The Highs We’ll Share, The Madness), a children’s book (Somewhere Across Nowhere), and various stories in magazines.

Twitter: @JRPackard16
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09VVL8MQH

Yash Seyedbagheri

Poetry: Space

Yash Seyedbagheri is a graduate of Colorado State University’s MFA program in fiction. His stories, “Soon,” “How To Be A Good Episcopalian,” “Tales From A Communion Line,” and “Community Time,” were nominated for Pushcarts. Yash’s work has been published in SmokeLong Quarterly, The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, and Ariel Chart, among others.

Matthew Spence

Flash: Suits

Matthew Spence was born in Cleveland, Ohio. His work has most recently appeared in Carmina Magazine.

Read more of Matthew’s work on: Medium and Wattpad

ślimak vr0k

Poetry: Pinocchio, Monica’s Erogenous Zones

ślimak vr0k grew up in the town of Port Angeles at the tip of the Olympic Peninsula in Washington. Much of the imagery for his work comes from the rainforests, mountains, and coastlines of that area, as well as from the day to day realities of living in an economically depressed, former logging town. He has an MFA from the Fresno State Creative Writing Program, where he was a Phil Levine Scholar and an intern for The Normal School literary magazine. He currently lives in Chandler, Arizona.

Vivian Wagner

Poetry: Adrift

Vivian Wagner’s work has appeared in Slice Magazine, Muse/A Journal, Forage Poetry Journal, Pittsburgh Poetry Review, McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, Gone Lawn, The Atlantic, Narratively, The Ilanot Review, Silk Road Review, Zone 3, Bending Genres, and other publications. She’s the author of a memoir, Fiddle: One Woman, Four Strings, and 8,000 Miles of Music (Citadel-Kensington); a full-length poetry collection, Raising (Clare Songbirds Publishing House); and four poetry chapbooks: The Village (Aldrich Press-Kelsay Books), Making (Origami Poems Project), Curiosities (Unsolicited Press), and Spells of the Apocalypse (Thirty West Publishing House).

Jennifer Walker

Fiction: Stranded

Jennifer Walker writes short stories, many of them strange. They can be read in recent issues of Fleas on the Dog, Idle Ink, and Not One of Us. She lives in the Virgin Islands with her girlfriend and their two exquisitely beautiful and understandably narcissistic dogs.

T. Wallace

Flash: April

T. Wallace is a young writer from California, specializing mostly in poetry and short fiction in the genres of weird fiction, fantasy, and SciFi, inspired mainly by classic writers like Clark Ashton Smith and H.P Lovecraft.

Phil Yeatman

Fiction: A Town on the Border Between Chile and Bolivia

Phil is an Australian writer who draws on his broad travels and hospitality career to write odd locations and odder people. He lives in Melbourne with his partner, where they murder houseplants and spy on dogs together. His work has previously been published in Swords and Sorcery Magazine and Story Hunters Vol II.

Website: www.philyeatman.com.